Charlie Bucket Here We Go Again Gif

Violet Beuragarde
  • Man

  • Blueberry

  • Human/Blueberry

Violet Bubble Gum.jpg

Fully inflated.jpg

Violet flexible.png

Age x
Species Human being/Blueberry
Occupation Globe Tape Breaker
Father Unknown
Female parent Scarlett Beauregarde
Location Atlanta, Georgia
Actor AnnaSophia Robb

This article is virtually the 2005 movie character, you might be looking for the original graphic symbol.

Violet Beauregarde is ane of the four main antagonists in the picture show Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She is played past AnnaSophia Robb.


  • 1 Biography/Physical Appearance
  • 2 Getting the Ticket
  • 3 Arrival At The Factory
  • 4 The Chocolate Room
  • five The Boat Ride
  • six The Inventing Room and Transformation
  • 7 Fate
  • 8 Relationships
    • 9.1 Finding the Ticket interview
    • 9.2 Outside the Factory
    • ix.iii The Factory Tour
    • ix.four The Inventing Room and Transformation
    • 9.5 Violet'south Song
    • After the Manufacturing plant
  • 10 Backside the Scenes
  • eleven Trivia
  • 12 Songs
    • 12.i Violet Turning Violet
    • 12.2 Violet's Song
  • 13 Gallery

Biography/Physical Advent

Violet Beauregarde is the daughter of Scarlett Beauregarde and the winner of the third gilt ticket. As a human she's thin and has stake skin with brusque straightened blonde pilus and bluish eyes. She's mostly seen wearing a low-cal blue tracksuit, with blue and white trainers and socks and a blue zipper heart and watch.

Violet as a blueberry.

As a huckleberry, Violet is significantly different than how she was, as she'southward 10 feet tall and has a spherical-shaped torso, being noticeably taller and wider than the rest of the grouping. All of her appendages, including her head, artillery, and legs, are sucked into her body, leaving behind small divots where they should be. In Violet'due south arm/leg divots, only her hands and anxiety tin be seen sticking out, and occasionally moving about fruitlessly. The largest role of her body is her belly, which has swelled to the betoken where her tracksuit shirt and pants cannot contain it, leaving it exposed. Her clothes accept all turned blue and stretched tightly around her torso, except her stomach. Any of Violet's other former human actual features have completely rounded out and fused with one some other, making it impossible to tell them apart. Most notably, Violet'southward body has turned mostly blue because of the blueberry pie, bated from her lips which remain a blood-red-purple, and like pinkish discoloration effectually her belly button. This is a trait that is kept with her every bit she left the manufacturing plant.

Violet's main personality trait is that she is insanely competitive, and her life mantra is win at everything no matter what. This mental attitude has earned her 263 trophies and medals in a variety of unlike activates, ranging from Kung Fu to cheer-leading, However, out of all of her achievements the one she'due south the most proud off his her status every bit the Inferior World Champion Glue Chewer, a title she earned by chewing the aforementioned piece of chewing gum for three months.

Violet's competitive nature to win the final prize was her only real interest for inbound the hunt for the aureate tickets. In order to attain this, Violet temporarily laid of her habit of chewing mucilage and switched to candy bars which eventually led her to find the third golden ticket just after chirapsia two of her karate instructors unconscious. During her interview, Violet tells the press that the other winners don't affair at all and that she will be the i who volition win the secret prize. It's also during this interview that the source of Violet'southward overly competitive nature is shown, equally her mother is seen pushing Violet'south answers and glorifying her many accomplishments in a very unhealthy fashion.

Her competitive nature was the cause for her fate. She ignored Wonka's cautions well-nigh chewing the gum because she falsely believed Wonka was testing her dust. She also refuses to surrender chewing the gum even during the transformation. Even later on she becomes a blueberry, she screams for people to help her as she nears the Inventing Room exit and calls out to Wonka in an attempt to stay on the tour, showing that she would rather stay as a huckleberry forever than lose the 1000 prize. After she's juiced, she doesn't seem shocked at what had happened to her, instead enjoying her newfound flexibility. Both of this imply that she would sacrifice annihilation, including her health and well-being, merely then she could win.

Violet holding upwards her Golden Ticket.

Violet is also shown to be very aristocratic and antisocial, which is displayed when she chop-chop alienates herself from Wonka past telling him in no uncertain terms that she volition exist the winner of the special prize at the end, too every bit steal candy from Charlie while calling him a loser when he request her an honest question. She too strikes up a rivalry with fellow brat Veruca Table salt, although both attempt to hide it past pretending to be "best friends".

Getting the Ticket

Mr. Bucket reading most Violet's victory.

Violet was the 3rd winner of the golden ticket, and is first introduced when Mr. Bucket reads about her in the paper. She is starting time seen at a dojo where she brutally and unnecessarily attacks her masters in karate earlier walking off. The scene then cuts away to her home, where she introduces herself every bit a gum chewer who switched to chocolate when she heard almost Wonka's contest. She brags most her accomplishments, specifically nearly glue, and boasts about how she was going to win the thou prize, because "I'chiliad a winner a winner." After seeing her on tv, Grandma Josephine calls her a "beastly little girl," and Grandma Georgina calls her "despicable."

During the scene where the children are reading the back of the ticket, she reads nigh Wonka's offering to bout the winners through his factory.

Inflow At The Factory

Exterior the factory.

On the twenty-four hours of the tour, she stands between Augustus Gloop and Mike Teavee'due south family. She briefly glances over at Veruca Salt, her female person competitor, but is otherwise shown focused on the factory, with her mother telling her to keep her "eyes on the prize." She doesn't prove much excitement compared to the other competitors. When Wonka opens the door, she is the first to rush through the gate and walks ahead of the competitors. When she sees the welcome performance and its subsequent destruction, she looks at it confusingly. When Wonka start shows upwardly, she asks who he is and looks at him awkwardly.

When Wonka welcomes them in, she's the first to walk into the mill afterwards Wonka, and hugs him before introducing herself. Wonka states that she seems confident, which brings about an excited look on Violet's face. Despite this, she'southward next seen staring at Veruca and feigning friendship between the 2.

The Chocolate Room

Violet blowing a bubble in the Chocolate Room.

She is the offset to enter the Chocolate Room, and blows a chimera while staring in awe. She follows right behind Wonka as he introduces the room to everyone and runs off later on he tells everyone to enjoy.

She encounters Charlie Saucepan for the beginning time when she grabs an apple he was reaching out towards and stares at him. When Charlie asks about her gum habits, she abruptly calls him a loser.

Forth with the other participants, she listens to Wonka's story about the Oompa-Loompas, watches Augustus get sucked up the pipage (maxim "there he goes"), and watches the Oompa-Loompas trip the light fantastic and sing their number.

When Charlie asks how the Oompa-Loompas would already know Augustus's proper name, Wonka responds by asking Violet what she likes, and she responds "Chewing gum." He then does an improvisation on the spot, stating how he hates gum, in an attempt to explicate how the Oompa-Loompas seemed rehearsed.

The Boat Ride

Violet during the tunnel scene. The blue calorie-free shining down on her foreshadows her fate.

Violet watches as the Oompa-Loompas rowed over the candy boat. She asks Wonka why they were laughing, and he states he believes it's from the cocoa beans. During the boat ride, she sits in front of Mike and backside Veruca.

When entering the tunnel, she wonders how the Oompa-Loompas knew where they going. During the ride downward, the camera continuously pans towards her whenever a blue low-cal is shown, foreshadowing her fate. She looks around the tunnel at the rooms before Wonka stops the boat in front of the Inventing Room.

The Inventing Room and Transformation

Upon entering the inventing room Violet apace shows an interest in the everlasting gobstoppers, believing them to be like to glue. She is, notwithstanding, chop-chop shot down by Wonka who points out that, unlike mucilage, Gobstoppers are not for chewing. Wonka then leads the group to a specially large machine that, later much huffing and puffing, produces nothing but a simple stick much to the chagrin of the others. Violet takes the piece of glue as Wonka and so explains that, unlike well-nigh other chewing gums, the i merely created is actually a full three course dinner all by itself.

Violet then declares that the gum is "my kind of glue" and removes her own gum. Wonka and so attempts to warn Violet virtually the glue'due south side effects, notwithstanding Violet ignores him, declares that she is non afraid of anything, and begins to chew the fresh mucilage. At starting time the glue works well, giving Violet the sensation of actually eating lycopersicon esculentum soup and roast beef which deeply pleases her female parent Scarlett Beauregarde, who gloats that her girl will be the kickoff person in the globe to take a chewing gum repast and causes Veruca to stare in jealously. However things become incorrect when Violet hits the dessert: blueberry pie and water ice cream.

Violet's olfactory organ turns bluish.

Veruca notices that something is happening to Violet'southward nose. All eyes turn to her as a bluish-imperial stain starts to spread across her olfactory organ, much to her female parent's stupor. Violet was initially unable to see the change, and she touches her nose in confusion when it is pointed out to her. However, once her mother starts panicking, both turn to Wonka for an explanation. He explains that the gum always goes wrong during the dessert, and that the huckleberry pie was the culprit. He and so ducks behind the mechanism while the group backs abroad from Violet in fearfulness. Violet doesn't seem to notice, notwithstanding, equally she is as well busy holding upward her right hand and staring at it in shock and fear as she witnesses the telltale bluish colour stain her skin. Meanwhile the last of her face turns a rich blueish, and the roots of her blonde hair can be seen changing to a light periwinkle. All the while, Violet continues to vigorously chew the gum that has been revealed to be transforming her.

Violet shakily asks her mother what is happening to her as the last of her fingertips turn purple, her back of her tracksuit starting to stain a bit. And then, equally she continues looking at her hand appallingly, Violet's body gurgles and her waist and thighs begin to swell up. Her tracksuit, meanwhile, continues to stain to a darker shade of blue in splotches around her body, as if to match her skin. She inspects herself briefly, before yelping and looking back at the tour for help. After a moment, she curiously rests her paw on her belly as it bubbles loudly and swells upwardly around her, and drags her fingers across its surface, leaving clear stain lines. While dislocated and continuing helplessly before the tour, Violet's already swollen buttocks very of a sudden gush outward, sloshing and doubling in size, causing her to yelp and throwing her off balance. Violet twists herself effectually to inspect her huge blueish butt, which she can merely stare at and stammer appallingly. Granddad Joe finally notes the obvious: that Violet is swelling up.

Violet, having been still looking at her engorged butt cheeks, turns to face the group, her body having get then much larger that she clearly uses a few moments to completely heft her weight around and shift on her shortening legs. At this point, her body has become too big for her tracksuit to contain, every bit her belly is now exposed, bulging out of her shirt and pants, and revealing a blotchy pink discoloration around her omphalus. And still, she continues to bully upward earlier anybody's eyes; her shirt slowly pushing itself up even further and her belly wobbling over the floor with each of her frightened steps. Charlie announces that Violet resembles a blueberry.

As Violet continues to witness her body's aggrandizement, an ominous gurgling can be heard as the juice rushes upwardly. Violet lets out a loud moan of resistance as her cheeks and lips begin to peachy up. She suddenly looks directly at the audition in panic every bit if for assistance, every bit her lips not bad close and her cheeks completely bulge out (showing a subtle regal blush), and her formerly greenish-brown pupils finally change into a brilliant sapphire blue color.

Violet continues to abound in size, only she begins to gain in acme as well as width. The gurgling inside her torso is even louder and her swelling is picking up speed. Violet'due south fattened arms hang downward past her side before she picks them upward and lays her easily down on her expanding belly, feeling down her body as it continues to expand at an extremely rapid rate. Unable to calm her abdomen, she can just let out a useless moan. Soon, as Violet looks down upon all of the rest of the tour with her new and increasing peak, she begins to stone slowly back and forth, implying that her legs can no longer touch the ground. This is when Violet, seen still attempting to hold onto a fleck of her large belly, begins to lose definition in her arms rapidly, as they autumn uselessly to her sides, unable to motility them.

Violet near the end of her inflation, her head sucked into her torso

Violet begins to take on her final shape of the transformation, equally her arms and legs grow shorter and shorter, moving father abroad from her head; her limbs condign fused with her massive body. As she rocks back and forth, she is seen becoming and so wide that she almost rolls forwards onto the tour. Finally, Violet balls her hands into fists as they are completely sucked into her body. Violet's head also sinks into its own divot, only sticking out just enough to see above her olfactory organ; her neck having also go one with her torso, she is unable to move her head, and tin only dart her bright blue optics effectually in fearfulness and moan once more. Finally, Violet's growth slows downward and stops, leaving her bewildered and confused. She can now be seen, no longer as a human being, but equally a giant blueberry in the heart of the inventing room, covered by a very tight tracksuit and helplessly rocking back and forth on her pelvis.

Wonka then resurfaces and explains that the same affair has happened to the 20 Oompa Loompas he had tested it on, and that "it'southward just weird." Scarlett and then protests that she cannot have a blueberry for a girl, as Violet tin can no longer compete. Veruca recommends that Violet should be placed into a county off-white due to her enormity, much to Wonka's amusement. Scarlett contemplates this idea equally music starts playing.

Violet's mother pushing Violet out of the Inventing Room.

Oompa Loompas and so emerge from the smoke of the Inventing Room, they push against her swollen butt and commencement to roll Violet forth, singing her titular vocal, mocking her over her chewing gum obsession, and jumping onto her and dancing. During the whole scene, Violet is shown groaning and screaming in fear at her fate, her voice noticeably more than muffled and deeper than before, but she is shown to exist calmer by the end of her trip. The Oompa Loompas and then curlicue Violet to the door, and after seeing where she was going Violet speaks for the commencement time since the transformation, calling for assistance and screaming for Wonka, hoping that someone would heed to her plea to stay on the tour. Wonka orders them to take her to the juicing room at one time and then that the juice tin be squeezed out of her like a pimple. Hearing this, Scarlett runs off to help Violet, who is stuck in the Inventing Room door and calling out for her mother. She is last seen being pushed out of the Inventing Room onto the candy boat.


Aftermath of Violet's juicing.

During Violet'south transformation, the tour group and Wonka in particular mantain a large distance from her. Although not confirmed, it is heavily implied due to her enormity that her exploding may exist a possibility. However, as the Oompa Loompas roll Violet, Wonka does non brand an effort to rush them, suggesting that Violet is not in any immediate danger, if perhaps any at all, but this could be attributed to his apathy towards peoples safety.

When Veruca questions whether Violet would e'er be a blueberry, Wonka states his uncertainty before reinforcing his disgust towards glue. She is not seen for the rest of the tour.

Violet is last seen leaving the factory with her mother. Violet had been completely juiced, only retains both human and blueberry traits - she has newfound flexibility and is all the same blue. Every bit Scarlett walks along Violet cartwheels and dorsum-flips afterward her, seemingly very pleased with her new abilities, even informing her mother that she is now much more flexible. Nonetheless Scarlett coldly responds "Yes just you're blueish," upset that they had lost the g prize.


Violet and her mom outside of the manufactory.

Scarlett Beauregarde - Scarlett is Violet's mother. Still she behaves more like a motorbus than a female parent, constantly telling Violet to win no affair what and giving her an unhealthily amount of praise. It'due south implied in several scenes that she's living vicariously through her girl and is only really interested in Violet winning. When Violet turns into a blueberry, she became worried that she wouldn't be able to compete, but contemplated Veruca'southward suggestion for putting her in a county fair. She wasn't upset near Violet's fate until she left the factory, upset that Violet had lost, implying that she causeless Violet would still stay on the bout fifty-fifty after becoming a blueberry.

Violet and Veruca pretending to be friends.

Veruca Salt - Violet and Veruca hated each other from the moment they saw each other. However they tried to cover information technology by pretending to be best friends. Veruca is shown to be extremely pleased with Violet'south transformation, as now her contest has been removed. She even suggests placing Violet in a canton off-white and later asks Wonka if Violet will always be a blueberry, hoping that her life will be ruined forever.

Violet grabbing the apple Charlie was getting.

Charlie Bucket - While the rest of the kids (except for Mike to a lesser extent and Veruca who never interacted with Charlie) treated Charlie poorly, Violet was noticeably the rudest to Charlie, even chosen him a loser when grabbing a processed apple. It's unknowing how she reacted when Charlie won the prize.

Violet hugging Willy Wonka.

Willy Wonka - Violet is shown to be initially weirded out past Wonka'south demeanor, but immediately ignores it and gives him a hug, feigning respect. Throughout the tour up until her elimination, she is shown to be close to Wonka whenever he is introducing his factory. It is strongly implied that she'due south acting respectful to Wonka to go his support for the yard prize.


Finding the Ticket interview

Mrs. Beauregarde: These are only some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won.

Violet Beauregarde: I'm a gum chewer more often than not, just when I heard virtually these ticket things, I laid off the gum; switched to candy bars.

Mrs. Beauregarde: She'due south only a driven immature women. I don't know where she gets it.

Violet Beauregarde: [glances at chewing mucilage trophy] I'm the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer. This slice of gum I'yard chewing right at this moment I've been working on for three months solid. That's a record.

Mrs Beauregarde: Of course, I did accept my share of trophies, by and large billy.

Violet Beauregarde: So it says that ane kid'south gonna go this special prize, better than all the rest. I don't intendance who those other four are. That child, it's gonna be me.

Mrs. Beauregarde: Tell them why Violet.

Violet Beauregarde: Because I'm a winner!

Exterior the Factory

[After Willy Wonka'southward Welcome song is washed]

Violet Beauregarde: Who are you?

Grandfather Joe: He's Willy Wonka!

The Factory Tour

Violet Beauregarde: [hugs Wonka] Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde.

Willy Wonka: [freaked out] Oh. I don't care.

Violet Beauregarde: Well, you should care. Because I'm the girl who's gonna win the special prize at the stop.

Willy Wonka: Well, you lot practice seem confident and conviction is primal.

[While walking down the corridor]

Veruca Common salt: [Turns to Violet] Allow'south be friends.

Violet Beauregarde: Best friends.

[Charlie finds a shiny apple tree and begins to reach for it, but Violet grabs it commencement. She gain to accept out her gum and puts it behind her ear]

Charlie Saucepan: [asking about Violet's mucilage] Why hold onto it? Why not start a new piece?

Violet Beauregarde: Considering and then I wouldn't be a champion. I'd be a loser. Like you.

[As Augustus is being sucked up the pipe]

Violet Beauregarde: There he goes.

[Afterward Augustus's song]

Charlie Bucket: Mr. Wonka?

Willy Wonka: Huh?

Charlie Bucket: Why would Augustus' name already be in the Oompa-Loompa vocal unless they-

Willy Wonka: [interrupts] Improvisation is parlor play tricks, anyone can practise it.

[Turns to Violet]

Willy Wonka: Yous, little girl. Say something. Anything.

Violet Beauregarde: Chewing gum.

Willy Wonka: Chewing gum is actually gross, chewing gum I detest the near. See? Exactly the aforementioned.

Mike Teavee: No, it isn't.

Willy Wonka: [Pretends not to hear] Uh, you actually shouldn't grumble. Because I can't empathize a word you're saying. Now, on with the tour.

[Starts walking and everyone else follows]

[Oompa Loompas are laughing]

Violet Beauregarde: What's so funny?

Willy Wonka: I think it'south from all those dog-gone cocoa beans. Hey, by the way, did you guys know that chocolate contains a belongings that triggers the release of endorphins? Gives i the feeling of being in love.

Mrs. Beauregarde: [flirtily] Y'all don't say?

Willy Wonka: You're all quite curt, aren't you?

Violet Beauregarde: Well aye, we're children.

Willy Wonka: Well that'southward no excuse. I was never as brusk as you.

Mike Teavee: You were once.

Willy Wonka: Was not. Know why? Considering I distinctly retrieve putting  hat on top of my caput.

[As the boat enters a dark tunnel]

Violet Beauregarde: How can they see where they're going?

Willy Wonka: They can't. There's no knowing where they're going.

The Inventing Room and Transformation

[Asking near the Everlasting Gobstopper car]

Violet Beauregarde: Hey, Mr. Wonka, what's this?

Willy Wonka: Oh! Let me show you. [Oompa-Loompa hands him a gobstopper] Thank y'all. [Holds up the gobstopper] These are Everlasting Gobstoppers. They're for children who are given very lilliputian allowance coin. Yous can suck on information technology all twelvemonth, and it'll never go any smaller. Isn't that neat?

Violet Beauregarde: Information technology'due south similar gum.

Willy Wonka: No. Mucilage is for chewing. If you tried chewing one of these gobstoppers you'd intermission all your little teeth off. Simply they certain do taste terrific.

[Gum pops out of the machine. Violet takes it from its slot]

Mike Teavee: You mean that's it?

Willy Wonka: Do you even know what "information technology" is?

Violet Beauregarde: Information technology's mucilage.

Willy Wonka: Aye. It'south a stick of the virtually amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe. Know why? Know why? Considering this gum is a full three-form dinner all past itself.

Mr. Table salt: Why would anyone want that?

Willy Wonka: [Takes out note cards. Flips to one] It will be the finish of all kitchens and all cooking. Just a little strip of Wonka'south magic chewing gum and that is all y'all will [Flips to next carte du jour] ever need at breakfast, lunch and dinner. This piece of gum happens to be tomato plant soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie.

Gramps Joe: It sounds nifty!

Veruca Table salt: It sounds weird.

Violet Beauregarde: Sounds like my kind of gum.

[Takes one-time gum out and puts it behind her ear]

Willy Wonka: [about Violet grabbing the gum] I'd rather you didn't. There's still one or 2 things that are a fiddling-

Violet Beauregarde: I'm the World Record holder in chewing gum. I'm not agape of anything!

[Pops the gum in her mouth]

Mrs. Beauregarde: How is it, honey?

Violet Beauregarde: It's amazing! Tomato soup, I tin experience information technology running down my throat!

Willy Wonka: Yeah! Spit it out.

Grandpa Joe: Immature lady, I think you'd meliorate-

Violet Beauregarde: Information technology's changing... roast beef and broiled potato. Crispy pare and butter!

Mrs. Beauregarde: Proceed chewin' kiddo! My little girl's gonna be the showtime person in the world to have a chewing gum meal!

Willy Wonka: Yes. I'm but a piddling concerned near the-

Violet Beauregarde: Blueberry pie and water ice cream!

Willy Wonka: That office.

Veruca Salt: [staring at Violet] What's happening to her nose?

[Violet keeps chewing and her nose starts turning blue]

Mr. Salt: It'due south turning blue!

Mrs. Beauregarde: Your whole nose has gone purple!

Violet Beauregarde: [touching her olfactory organ] W-What practice you mean?

Mrs. Beauregarde: Violet, you lot're turning violet! [Turns to Wonka; concerned] What's happening?

Willy Wonka: Well, I told you I hadn't quite got information technology correct, 'cause information technology goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert. It's the Blueberry Pie that does information technology. I'm terribly sorry!

[Wonka ducks downwardly as everyone begins to dorsum away from Violet, who continues turning blue]

Violet Beauregarde: Mother, what'southward happening to me?

[Gasps and looks downward as she starts to bang-up]

[Everyone watches as her whole torso begins to swell upwards]

Grandpa Joe: She'due south swelling upward!

[Everyone continues backing away from Violet]

Charlie Bucket: Like a blueberry.

[Violet'due south face swells upward equally her eyes turn from green to blue] Huckleberry Violet: [Grunts] [Cheeks not bad with juice as her eyes plow blue]

Blueberry Violet: [Whimpers] [Her chest swells every bit she rounds and lets out a short moan as she is unable to calm her trunk]

[Violet's body continues to swell until she'due south about 10 ft alpine. Her body has become a round sphere and her artillery, legs, and even her head have been pulled into her body by the swelling]

Blueberry Violet: [Grunts] [Tries to await downwards at the grouping, her eyes wide with fearfulness]

Willy Wonka: [Pops up behind Mrs. Beauregarde] I've tried it on, like, twenty Oompa-Loompas and each ane ended upwardly every bit a blueberry. It's merely weird!

Mrs. Beauregarde: But I can't take a blueberry every bit a daughter. How is she supposed to compete!?

Veruca Common salt: Yous could put her in a county off-white!

[Wonka laughs]

Violet'southward Song

Oompa Loompa: [Oompa Loompas outset singing]

Listen close,and listen hard, the tale of Violet Beauregarde.

This dreadful daughter she sees no incorrect

In chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all solar day long.

Chewing, chewing all day long

Chewing, chewing all day long

Chewing, chewing all day long


[Oompa Loompas jump onto and begin to roll Blueberry Violet]

Blueberry Violet: Hellllllllp!

She goes on chewing till at last, her chewing muscles abound so fast

And from her face up to her behemothic chin, sticks out just similar a violin.

Chewing, chewing all day long

Chewing, chewing all day long

Chewing, chewing all day long

[Oompa Loompas continue to jump all over Blueberry Violet]

For years and years she chews away,

her jaws get stronger every twenty-four hours.

[Blueberry Violet screams equally she rolls towards the floor]

And with one great tremendous chew...

they bite poor girl's tongue in two.

And that is why nosotros try then hard,

To save Miss Violet Beauregarde

Chewing, chewing all day long

Chewing, chewing all twenty-four hour period long

Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day


[Oompa Loompas stop rolling Huckleberry Violet, leap off her, and begin rolling her toward the door]

Huckleberry Violet: Help! Please Help!

[Oompa Loompas roll Blueberry Violet to front of door every bit they continue chanting "Chewing chewing all day long"]

Huckleberry Violet: Mr. Wonka!

[Oompa Loompas cease singing]

Willy Wonka: [to Oompa Loompa] I want you to roll Miss Beauregarde into the boat and take her along to the Juicing Room at once. Okay?

Mrs. Beauregarde: The Juicing Room? What are they gonna do to her there?

Willy Wonka: Oh, they're gonna clasp her. Similar a little pimple. We've gotta squeeze all that juice out of her immediately.

[Mrs. Beauregarde gasps]

[Mrs. Beauregarde runs upwards to Huckleberry Violet, who is stuck in the door]

Blueberry Violet: Mother, help me. Please!

[Mrs. Beauregarde helps Oompa Loompas push Blueberry Violet through door]

After the Factory

Violet Beauregarde: [after stretching into a pretzel shape] Look mother, I'one thousand much more flexible now.

Mrs. Beauregarde: [disapprovingly] Yes, but you're bluish.

Behind the Scenes

A prosthetic of Violet's face used during product

The transformation sequence was initially done similar to the 1971 version, with AnnaSophia Robb being placed in a conform that inflated. All the same, the crew was not satisfied with the final product, so they decided to scrap information technology in favor of CGI, with only parts of Robb'southward face being unaltered. Robb was given a prosthetic cheeks to simulate Violet'due south cheeks during the sequence, and an animatronic double was also used as well.

Violet's Deleted Foot.jpg A deleted shot of Violet's foot equally she is rolled upside-down


  • Violet is the shortest member of the bout. However, following her transformation, she became the tallest.
    • Every bit the tallest person in the world is viii feet eleven inches, Blueberry Violet technically holds the globe tape for the tallest person, however due to her status as a blueberry this could be disputed.
  • She was named subsequently a colour in French which is another name for the color "Purple", in English.
  • Throughout the picture, Violet never interacted with Augustus, Grandpa Joe, the parents of the other kids or Mike.
  • Violet stores her used up gum in her right ear.
  • Violet has a best friend whom she beat a record named Cornelia Prinzmetel in the volume. Although her name was not stated, Violet did say, "My best friend is also a gum chewer, information technology used to be her record, but I trounce information technology and then at present the record's MINE!" Violet also mentions Cornelia in the 1971 motion-picture show.
  • She has a tomboyish, rude personality. She ever interrupts people, and perhaps does disrespectful things in public similar shoving, pushing, and calling others inappropriate names.
  • Violet's body didn't turn entirely blue. Her lips are noticeably still red (See 1), and the area at the center of her tum is slightly discolored (Meet 2).
  • Violet's fate was foreshadowed a few times. She simply happened to wear a blue tracksuit the day of the tour, and during the tunnel scene one of the starting time scenes is a blueish lite shining over Violet.
  • There is an error during Violet'southward rolling scene. Near the exit, Violet is seen being rolled frontward. However, at the door, Violet was beingness rolled backwards. There was no sign of a change in direction.
  • She and Mike Teavee are the only winners to come up from North America.
  • Violet'due south dad doesn't appear at all in the flick.
  • She'due south the only child in this adaptation with blonde pilus.
  • Despite being besides wide to fit through the door, during the next scene she'south shown fitting through simply perfectly.
  • She's the just tour member to not be fully human being, instead beingness part huckleberry by the cease of the tour.
    • Furthermore, she and Mike Teavee are the only tour members who came out permanently changed physically.


Violet Turning Violet


Violet Turning Violet

The theme that plays when Violet swells up.

Violet's Song

Violet's song is a 60's disco that talks near about how competitive she is, and how chewing gum is bad for you.

Listen close, listen difficult, the tale of Violet Beauregarde. This dreadful girl she sees no wrong... Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all solar day long.

Chewing, chewing all day long Chewing, chewing all day long Chewing, chewing all twenty-four hours long.

She goes on chewing till at last, her chewing muscles grow and so fast, And for her face a giant chin, sticks out just like a violin...

Chewing, chewing all solar day long Chewing, chewing all day long Chewing, chewing all twenty-four hour period long.

For years and years she chews away, her jaws get stronger every day. And with one corking tremendous chew... they bite the poor daughter'due south tongue in two. And that is why we try so difficult, to save Miss Violet Beauregarde.

Chewing, chewing all day long Chewing, chewing all day long Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all twenty-four hours long.


For Violet as a blueberry, see Violet Beauregarde/Blueberry Gallery


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